Experience excellence with Wilhelm Painting and Power Washing. Our company has been in business since 1976, working in Massillon, Canton, North Canton, and surrounding cities. We pride ourselves on delivering superior cleaning services, dedicated to enhancing the appearance of both residential and commercial properties.
Over time, dirt, grime, and stains can make your home look aged and dull. Our professional pressure washing services remove years of buildup, restoring your home’s beauty. Whether it’s your siding, driveway, walkways, or patios, we use state-of-the-art equipment to bring back the fresh and clean look you love.
A dirty roof not only looks bad but can also lead to damage over time. Our gentle yet effective roof cleaning process removes mold, algae, moss, and stains without harming your shingles. Protect your home and enhance its curb appeal with our professional roof cleaning services.
Your deck is a place to relax and enjoy the outdoors, but exposure to the elements can cause it to fade, crack, and accumulate mold. Our expert deck cleaning service removes dirt and stains, while our sealing process protects the wood, keeping it looking great for years to come.
At Randy Wilhelm Painting and Power Washing, we believe in treating every home with the same care and respect as our own. From the moment we arrive to the final rinse, we handle your property with precision and attention to detail. Our team takes pride in delivering top-quality results while ensuring the safety and integrity of your surfaces. Your satisfaction isn’t just our goal—it’s our promise.
Clogged gutters can lead to water damage, leaks, and foundation issues. Our professional gutter cleaning services ensure your gutters remain free of debris, allowing rainwater to flow properly and protecting your home from costly repairs.
Your patio is a great place to entertain guests or relax with family, but dirt, stains, and algae can take away from its beauty. Our patio cleaning services restore brick, concrete, and stone surfaces, making your outdoor space look fresh and inviting again.
Whether you need interior or exterior painting, our skilled team provides high-quality painting services that breathe new life into your home. From walls, ceilings, and trim to siding, doors, and decks, we use top-grade paints for a long-lasting, flawless finish.
Restore the beauty of your driveway and brick surfaces with our professional cleaning services. We remove dirt, grime, oil stains, and algae buildup, leaving your surfaces looking fresh and well-maintained. Plus, we apply a high-quality commercial-grade sealer to protect and enhance durability.
Hear from homeowners and businesses who have experienced the Randy Wilhelm Power-Washing difference—exceptional results, professional service, and a commitment to quality.
Dave Smith
Hudson, OH – Randy Wilhelm Powerwashing is a first-rate organization. From our initial phone conversation to the completion of the work, Randy and his crew were the ultimate professionals. The company’s method of cleaning and the attention to detail are what set them apart from the companies that you see advertising on TV and in mailings. Randy and Lester were prompt, thorough, and fulfilled everything we discussed beforehand. The siding on our house looks brand new, the roof has no more black streaks or mold. The sidewalk actually glistens! We recommend them without reservation.
Jeff Ricker
Had Randy and his crew powerwash my house on 4-26-16. They did a super job. Took off all the mildew from my spouting, siding and front porch. Looks like brand new again! Randy and his crew was very meticulous and cleaned every nook and cranny. If you ever need your house powerwashed make sure you talk to Randy Wilhelm first. Also very reasonably priced. I give them a 5 star rating, two thumbs up!!
Dave brown
The aluminum siding looks brand new!! Randy made some important observations about the moss on the roof and potential deterioration to the shingles so that was removed as well. He went above and beyond our expectations. We would hire Wilhelm Powerwashing in a heart beat and refer them to others!
David Schmidt
Randy did a great job for us! The pictures below are worth a thousand words. He also cleaned our siding and did some needed repair work on top of the chimney around the cap. The house and cement look brand new! He was prompt, and did what he said he would do. We are very happy with the results of his labor.
Noah Albright
Call Randy if you need any work on the exterior of your house you need to call Randy! He does great work at a competitive price, I had another company come out to clean my siding, gutters, and driveway, I was not pleased with their work so I called Randy, he came out and did a perfect job for cheaper than what the original job cost me! Great work by Randy and his crew!
Amazing job done by Randy and his employee. He answered my phone call and set up a time and was there prompt on the day he said he would be there. I was happy with this as I wasn’t getting return calls from others. My patio areas look brand new and my sidewalk is a color I never knew it could be! My siding looks great. Did a great job.
Locally Trusted, Always Ready
8871 Camden Rd NW, Massillon, OH 44646
Office : (330) 477-7094
Cell Phone :(330) 323-7466
Operating hours:
Monday - Saturday
7 am - 9 pm
8 am - 1 pm
Copyright © 2025 All Rights Reserved By Randy Wilhelm Painting & Power Washing