The key to a long-lasting and amazing-looking paint job is all about the preparation work!
For that reason we power wash most of our jobs before we ever even start the painting process. After that, we sand, spot prime, caulk cracks, and add putty where needed.
The second piece to a great paint job is making sure that you have good paint! Good paint goes a very long way when it comes to how long it will last and how long it will look like new. Our house painters will provide guidance wherever it is needed and will help you select colors if you would like.
You don’t always want to paint a surface and sometimes it makes more sense to stain it. Commonly stained are things like decks, fences and sometimes siding if it is wood.
We have tons of experience staining just as we do painting.
Painting isn’t always a one size fits all approach. For that reason, each of our projects are quoted based on what is needed for that specific project. The most important part is to make sure that the surface is prepared properly and is clean so that the paint has the best possible surface to stick to. Give us a call today to get us out to your house for a free quote.
Each job requires different services depending on what type of shape the current surface is in. At Wilhelm Painting & Powerwashing we will make sure to point you in the right direct and what is needed for a clean project including: